Utah Parenting Summit Program Schedule

Our program schedule will build the pyramid from the bottom to the top, starting with an overview of this parenting framework and ending with an inspiring keynote address that will remind you just how important you are!

6:00 pm | Introduction to the Parenting Pyramid 

In this presentation, you will learn how the parenting pyramid provides a framework that helps us recognize how various aspects of ourselves and our relationships influence our parenting. Instead of simply giving quick tips and tricks to make our children behave, the pyramid is instead designed to provide a visual representation of how each level builds upon the one below it. By focusing on the foundational levels, such as building a strong relationship with our children, we can ultimately expect to do less correcting of undesired behaviors.


6:20 pm | Personal Way of Being

Our personal "way of being" is made up of traits that help us be an emotionally "safe place" for our children. This presentation teaches us how to develop three traits that are essential to our personal way of being in parenting: positivity, presence, and proactivity.

6:40 pm | Healthy Marriages and Supportive Relationships

Good relationships make for better parenting. This may include our relationships with our spouse/partner, extended family members, and close friends. Healthy relationships can provide needed support during the challenges we face as parents. This presentation will share ways you can improve your relationships and draw upon the support of close people in your life.

7:00 pm | Relationship with Child

A strong and healthy parent-child relationship creates the foundation necessary for teaching and correcting undesired behaviors. When relationships with children are strong, they are more receptive to what we teach and responsive when we correct their misbehavior. This presentation will focus on three of the most effective things a parent can do to strengthen relationships with their children.

7:20 pm | Teaching Values and Behaviors

With all the things that we as parents are responsible to teach our children, it can feel overwhelming and confusing at times. How do we teach our children so they will actually learn? How can we be sure we are teaching them the things they really need to know?  What about when we are not around? In this session, we will discuss effective methods of teaching, explore how children learn best, and work to align our values with our expectations for our children. As a result, we can feel empowered and capable as the most important teachers in the lives of our children.

7:40 pm | Correcting Undesired Behaviors

Far too often, parents expect their kids to be perfect and inadvertently place a heavy focus on quickly correcting their child’s behavior. Without some forethought, parents may either tactlessly force change, unfairly discipline, or miss opportunities for correction. The ultimate power and influence comes from HOW parents correct behavior. We will learn techniques from this presentation to improve on HOW we deliver consequences and correct unwanted behavior.

8:00 pm | Finding Joy in Our Parenting Journey 

Oh the joys of parenting…wait, that’s not sarcasm. The actual joys of parenting are out there and they are in you. Even when you feel buried in the thick of never-ending to-do lists, shuffling your children from one thing to the next, or just the ongoing battles and struggles of raising kids – joy is possible. Our keynote speaker is a parent of two children and a parenting education professional. This keynote will be filled with relatable stories about the daily realities of parenting, research-informed parenting concepts, and practical strategies for rediscovering joy in your parenting journey.